• Secure shopping: We process your data using SSL encryption
  • Delivery within 2-4 working days
  • Free postage of your order (except parcels/packages)
  • Secure shopping: We process your data using SSL encryption
  • Delivery within 2-4 working days
  • Free postage of your order (except parcels/packages)

Day tickets for Bad Mergentheim Wildlife Park

Are you an electricity or gas customer of Stadtwerke Crailsheim/ecoSWITCH and have a customer card?

Then you can obtain day tickets for Bad Mergentheim Wildlife Park with a 10% discount in our online shop.

  • Adult day ticket: only €13.05 (instead of €14.50)
  • Day ticket for children/young people: for € 9.45 (instead of € 10.50)

Shipping is free of charge.

Before purchasing, please request a voucher code by e-mail, stating your valid customer card number & with the subject " Wildpark" (which will be sent on working days):

marketin g@stw-crailsheim.de


  • The number of tickets you can order is limited to your own requirements.
  • The promotion is available for a limited time.
  • The voucher code will be sent on working days. We also take a break at the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.

Don't have a customer card yet? Then apply right here:

Customer card application

Do you have any questions about the STW Card or the Wildpark offer?

Please feel free to contact us.


Tel. 07951 305-142