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Magnetic field therapy

incl. VAT, plus delivery
In stock


Duration: 16 minutes

To stay healthy and efficient, every single cell in the body needs electromagnetic energy. This energy regulates the metabolism of the cells and controls the elimination of waste products from the body.

The pulsating magnetic fields used in this therapy help to activate the cell metabolism.

How does magnetic field therapy work?

You lie relaxed on a mat equipped with magnetic coils. The constantly changing magnetic field pulses flow through the body. The waves separate clumped blood cells (a common cause of pain) from each other again, for example.

Magnetic field therapy is used for prevention and for the following complaints, among others:

~ Neck and muscle tension

~ Strengthening the immune system during infections

~ Headaches and migraines

~ accelerating wound healing after operations

~ preventive anti-stress agent

~ stabilises the circulation and promotes blood flow

~ supports physical and mental performance enhancement

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